Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Christ Centered Easter

Wow, I can’t believe it is already April! That means that Easter it not too far behind. I was listening to a radio show the other day and the lady that was speaking, was talking about some good points that we really don’t think about, so I decided that they would be good to share.

Point 1. Easter...What do you think about this holiday?

      Some people can say that Easter is not a feel good holiday because it involves death and that Christmas is better because it involves a baby. Well, Easter also involves Love, Sacrifice, and Humility, death is just one part of the story. It first started with God’s love for the people He created. He wanted us to live good lives but we all turned down the wrong road. So He decided to send a savior that was in human form just like us, who started out in a little manger wrapped in swaddling clothes. Then God’s sacrifice was to give up His only son for us all to have a personal relationship with Him and Jesus’ was that He gave up His life. See Easter is a bigger story then some people think. They might say “Oh, Jesus went to the cross and died.” But wait! Three days later He rose again and He conquered death! Now, I don’t know about you but that is a pretty awesome story!

Point 2.  What do you see in stores for Easter? (At general stores)

      Of course you have this with any holiday really, but for Easter all they really have are bunny signs, candy(lots of it), and some other little things. But where do they have anything about Jesus? Stores are leaving out something important and it is very sad.

Point 3.  How do you celebrate Easter?

      Our family(extended) usually has a brunch and an Easter egg hunt and it is usually really fun, but is that all we can do on Easter? I would say No, Easter is a great time to spend time reading in the Bible about the story of Christ and what about those resurrection eggs? Those would be an awesome way to share the story of Christ with kids, you could even make it into some sort of game.

     If you are a big sports fan or know someone who is, they probably get excited and might jump up and down a bit if their team scores or a lot if their team wins. I hadn’t really thought of it this way until the other day, but why don’t we get excited and jump up and down for Jesus? We sit in church and listen to the pastor and one or two people might say Amen or something and then we all go back to being quiet again, I’m not saying to be noisy or loud in Church but just show a little more excitement for what God is doing in your life, your town, your friends, and even being excited that we have this opportunity to come and be together with God. Us Christians need to show others that going to church and following God isn’t boring, because it isn’t. Just think about all the adventures Jesus had, He got to walk on water (Matt. 14:22-23), He fed 5,000 people (Matt. 14:13-21), He calmed the storm (Matt. 4:35-41), and even in the beginning God opened the Red Sea for the Israelites (Exodus 14). That had to be pretty amazing to walk through!

 * ~ * ~ *

So this Easter lets do a little more than just the food, candy, bunnies, and eggs, lets share that Easter is so much more than death, way more! Let show others that God’s love and sacrifice is way more than anything else and more love than another person could have ever gave or that keeps giving.

Here is a passage that I also heard on the radio show, although I did not catch who wrote it. It is a powerful and wonderful passage/prayer to say aloud:

~Thou art coming to a King, large petitions with thee bring, for His grace and power are such, none can ever ask to much.~

 Lets also pray together asking God to fill our minds of creative and fun ways to have an awesome Christ centered Easter, in a way that many others would want to join in!

Please stay tuned as I will continue to write more about the greatest sacrifice of all times.

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