Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Wow! Can you believe that it is Thanksgiving already? Now there is only a month till Christmas! 
Love this! <3
Today my mom and I served at an Adult Center. We got up and went to decorate for Thanksgiving and it was amazing how fast everything was put together. The saying that many hand make light work is true! 
The piano all dressed up

One of my favorite placemats & one of the table centers

Thanksgiving is a day of getting together, making a lot of food, and maybe watching a football game. But what is Thanksgiving really about? You are probably saying that it is a day to give thanks, because of course that is the name of this Holiday! Yes, that is totally what this day is about and in the end it does not matter how much food you have, or how many people you can fill your house with.

have a big extended family and my family just at home is small, so sometimes when it is a Holiday it always feels to small or quiet when my family just stays home. In my mind and probably the minds of others think that to have a wonderful Holiday you have to have a big gathering and lots of food, but I am trying to get that mentality out of my head. 

I have to say that I love serving! I love how it brings smiles to people's face and warmth to their bellies (with the food kind of serving). 
I over heard a lady say (when being ask if she was here alone), that yes and that her husband died in December of last year. And I am guessing that she did not have anybody else around. But as it turned out that she was not all alone as, I think she made a new friend. :) That is another thing I love about these kinds of things, is that you might come alone but really you never eat alone!

Maybe you want to break the tradition of cooking tons of food or going to another family's house and that's okay. I hear of a lot more people now a days that are having their family dinner before Thanksgiving and then just having a small immediate family dinner at home, which I think is nice. There are many things you can do on Thanksgiving also like serving at a food kitchen or maybe inviting your widowed neighbor that doesn't have anybody, over for dinner (if your parents are okay with it;). While thinking what your thankful for how could you still bless others?

There are many of things I am thankful for this year, but here are just ten: 
  1. My mom - I am thankful that the Lord made my mom with a caring heart.
  2. Reconnecting with my older brother.
  3. My family
  4. My animals and the ones I get to love on.
  5. That my family was able to go on a road trip this summer and that we made it back safely.
  6. Friends - old and new
  7. That the people who are suffering any disease, got to spend another Thanksgiving/Holiday with their family and friends.
  8. For food on our table.
  9. For music - my life would probable be quiet without it:)
  10. For the season changes - they are all wonderful to enjoy.
I am wishing that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, no matter what you did.

Thanks for reading!

~Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever. 
      Psalms 107:1

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