I am not going to spill the beans of her entire message, so I highly encourage you to take some time out of your day to go listen to it (it is only about 34 minutes long)! I was greatly inspired by her message and wanted to share my thoughts on the matter with you all.
GIVE and IT will be GIVEN to you. (Luke 6:38a)
When you think of GIVING, what usually comes to mind? Giving financially? Time? Physical labor? Sacrificing something? There are so many ways that we can give, even in the small things! Sometimes the small things at home, in a relationship, at work, or just out in the public can make ALL THE DIFFERENCE!
Giving your attention, affection, and/or commitment can make a huge impact on someone's day! Just think of what YOU need or want. Often times we can bring ourselves down by thinking about what others DON'T GIVE US. This can become a very depressing thing to do. Next time when you feel the urge to point the spotlight on yourself, think about the same need you want and see if anyone around you needs it instead. As Christians, God fulfills us, and He WILL give you what YOU NEED. As humans, we often forget that.
No matter where we are or what we're doing God has called us to be His light. To let Him live through us. One ultimate theory for why God created us, which I love, is that God had so much LOVE to give that He wanted to create creatures to share His unending, forever faithful, and awe-inspiring love with.
We were created with love inside of us! Inside all of us. Some choose to hate, but just like frowning, hating is so much harder than loving. Sometimes we think that remaining closed up and hard-hearted is the only way to protect ourselves, but in reality, it only ends up hurting ourselves and the people around us more in the long run.
Jesus was and is a GIVER and every time we give out of our hearts to follow His example, His light will shine brighter in us and we will feel less depressed about not getting what we want.
This next week, I encourage you to look at what you've been complaining about not getting and instead see that need in others and fulfill it. This is an encouragement for myself as much as it is to you! If you ever want to share about a time when God helped you turn your "getting attitude" into a giving one and how He supplied what you needed, feel free to do so anytime in the comments or shoot me an email!
You never know ...
Have a great week!
P.S. Sorry for the silence lately! I hope to be getting back into the swing of writing! :D
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