A new month, a redirected purpose, and a new name!
You all are probably wondering "CHANGES!?" "NEW NAME!?" "WHAT!?" Well, let me explain :)
Since I started this blog 2 years ago, it has been a growing experience. I have learned many things about the blogging world and things about my blogging style. I have had fun writing different post for you all and I know that I will continue to do so.
I started The Bible Newsletter as a way to encourage myself and my friends to always find time to spend with God every day. When I started the Bible Newsletter it was actually a newsletter and was written in a Bible study format. I would print out the pages and then send it out to my friends via mail (lol... I know I said mail). After a while, blogger popped into my sites and the idea for reaching a wider audience sunk in. I then opened The Bible Newsletter Corner as a replacement for the actual newsletters. Now those days have past and The Bible Newsletter Corner has grown into something bigger. It has become a place where the HOPE of God shines and where the stories of His GRACE are present. I now want this blog to not only be of lessons from the Bible but to also be a testimony of what God has done in my life and the lives around me.I will be honest... I have those little voices in my head right now telling me that I am not equip to have a blog. I don't have enough experience to write about our Magnificent Lord. and will I even encourage anybody?? I will tell you though, these are the voices the devil uses to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY! I am not doing this for any worldly cause but for the sake of my King and if He uses this blog to encourage and place hope in just ONE PERSON, I know that I am on the right course.
Ok, now to the part you have been waiting for, right!?
I am really excited about this and my hope is that it will make this blog feel more personal and connectable.
I chose two specific titles: MAGNIFIED BY GRACE and ANCHORED IN HOPE, because I believe that if we center our thoughts around them, these phrases become very simple sharing tools and statements to live by.
MAGNIFIED BY GRACE ~ we are human and on our own we are not worthy of anything, but because Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice, He has given us the gift of GRACE. Grace that opens the door for second chances and through Him we are worthy of it. We are all part of a bigger family and if we choose to accept the invitation of grace, we then are officially adopted and no longer have to feel abandoned, lonely, ashamed, or guilty.
ANCHORED IN HOPE ~ day after day we live this life here on earth filled with good and bad days, working dawn to dusk in a job that sometimes we don't love anymore, how empty would we feel if this was all that there was..? No more to gaze our eyes upon or no greater purpose... For some people that is how they believe it works, but God did not design the world like that! And I thank Him so much for that!
Instead, God created the world to share in His NEVER ENDING LOVE! He didn't create people to live a life for nothing. To just plateau, but to keep growing, looking forward to the day we see His face and the thing that keeps us looking forward to that future is HOPE. HOPE in Jesus and His great LOVE for us. HOPE that there is a future and that we all were made for something GREAT! That hope helps to keep us moving forward.

Another new change is the web-address as it will no longer be, thebiblenewslettercorner.blogspot.com but rather magnifiedbygrace.blogspot.com. This new change will be effective September 1, so please don't get lost and I hope to see you back here!
Please share this with your family and friends!
Thank you for sticking with me on this journey and I can't wait to see what the Lord will continue to do with this blog!
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