It seems like one of the first things people talk about in a new year are what resolutions they need to set and try to keep. Is that something you do? For me, setting resolutions has not quite been my thing, but this year I guess that you could say that I have made some "goals" or things that I'm putting on my "this is important" list. Things that I know I need to work on and get better at, but that are also realistic.

What kinds of things do you put on your new year's resolution/goal list? Are they items about health? Family? Spiritual life? Ect... In a way I believe that setting goals to accomplish in a new year have many benefits especially if they are good healthy goals.
What are some areas in your life that you could work on? I know, we can all have like a billion things that we say need tweaking but what about just the top 3-5 areas...?
For me those top items would be:
- Time with God
- Patient and forgiving attitude
- Sleep
- and Exercise
The way you prioritize your goals will/can help you to accomplish the rest of them more efficient. Like spending time with God first so I can lay down my selfish human flaws at His feet and let Him fill my heart with His ways everyday. This can ultimately help with being patient and forgiving towards other people.
God makes a lot of references to order in the Bible, in what He did or examples He gave. 1 Corinthians 14:40 tells us that things should be done in an orderly way. Another is how God created the earth. For He did not create man before He had created land! I believe that God was really excited to create man (just think we were created him *His* image!), but yet He did not jump to the last final touch to His creation. Still everything was completed and it was good.
Sometimes, I think we get to far ahead of ourselves and put the "horse infront of the buggy." If we skip to the middle or last step we might have missed a lesson or training session that would have better equipped us for those other steps.
When you prioritize, you also have to decide between what is most important and not what is nessecarily urgent. Urgent things will come up all the time in our life but those things might not be what God calls important. It is between you and Him to decide these things in your life and will help you in years to come when life gets a little crazy.
Remember this: "We always have time for things that are important to us." (From my youth pastor)
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